Allocating correct JDs for the correct employees


“Its all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work, friends and family” – Philip Green

The staff undergo a strict screening process prior onboarding with the job. But the issue that most of them face which results in leaving the organization is them being asked to do works apart from the JDs. Employees undergo a huge overcoming through stress management, worktime management and along with mental health maintenance when they undergo huge workloads. And the prime duty of the Human Resources is to interfere and look if the employees is undergoing their exact Job Role or they are being overloaded with other works.

Work-Life balance is increasingly challenging in the modern context and the challenge arises from the fact that it is very difficult to strike the balance between work and other domains of life. (Khateeb, 2021)

Even though the organizations put on a huge effort in maintaining proper work-life, some supervisors and management add on tasks to the employees which are apart from their JDs. This pressurized approach, increases staff’s work stress and ultimately result in getting demotivated or result in leaving the organization in search of better work environment. As such, the organizations should take necessary steps to properly design the Job Descriptions of the employee after a proper research and in a futuristic view.

And it is totally understandable that, due the unexpected market conditions and if an upon an unstable country situation, employees might start to migrate resulting a loss of workforce and increase of pending works. And at that instance rather than allocating the entire task to one particular person, the below steps would be ideal as an interim or permanent solution.

Providing Flexible Times

Understanding that the task provided for a particular employee is out of his JD or scope, the HR should take necessary steps to provide flexible work times for that particular employee to complete the task.

Flexible Environment/ Place

Sitting at one particular place for a longer period of time may result in so many negative force on the employee. Hence, the organizations should be flexible enough to provide flexible work environment for the staff within the organization or outside the organizations (such as coffee shops) as well.

Work Sharing

An organization can always be a better organization if and upon the team work comes into play. When there are additional works, rather than allocating the entire work to one particular person. It would be better of those works can be shared among many which will also increase productivity and better results as well.

Every organization undergoes severe problems when a staff leave, but to cover the cost and also to increase the productivity without affecting the work-life of the existing workers, the above 4 points should be followed if an upon providing additional roles to employees.


Khateeb, F. R., 2021. Work Life Balance - A review of Theories, definitions and policies. Cross-Cultural Management Journal, 23(1/2021), p. 29.



  1. The job description must appropriately describe the position's duties and responsibilities. It creates a realistic picture of a job and answers the question, "What does the person in this capacity truly do?" when well-written

  2. A concise job description helps workers understand their obligations and duties, thereby analyzing performance of employees mainly under flexible working culture eg work from home is very effective


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